Extraction, storage and conveyance of plastic powders with flexible screw conveyors
Flexible screw dosage conveyor for plastic powders
Powder conveyor with metal detector
Bag emptying – lump breaker
Bulk Bag Emptying and Filling for powders
Bulk Bag Emptier with winch
Via dell’Artigianato 1/17
40064 Ozzano dell’Emilia Loc. Ponte Rizzoli
(BO) Italy
Tel +39 051.799573
Tel +39 051.4695174
Mail info@gimat.bo.it
Pec amministrazionegimat@pec.it
VAT Code 00518241203
Scientific and original production of the texts
edited by Ing. Claudio Magri
Site created and managed by Studiowebfrkb